Strength Tour – More Dates Added

Mike Peters Presents:
The Alarm – Strength

30th Anniversary UK Tour 2015 is pleased to announce more dates added to the Mike Peters 30th Anniversary Strength Tour 2015.

“The Iron Gates clang in a steel mill town”

The new dates are all in Wales with the exception of a last night of tour concert at the Live Rooms, Chester, a city which borders the infamous ‘Deeside’ area that it shares with neighbouring North Wales. ‘Deeside’ takes its name from the River Dee that flows through the region, and is also the name given to the ever popular song that opens side two of the original ‘Strength’ release, documenting the closure of the Shotton Steelworks back in 1980.

“In a Deeside town 8,000 went down…….”

06.03.15 LEEDS BRUDENELL Tickets
08.03.15 SHEFFIELD 02 ACADEMY Tickets
14.03.15 OXFORD 02 ACADEMY Tickets
19.03.15 WREXHAM CENTRAL STATION Tickets *new date added
20.03.15 SWANSEA SIN CITY Tickets *new date added
21.03.15 BIRMINGHAM O2 ACADEMY Tickets
18.04.15 EBBW VALE INSTITUTE Tickets *new date added
01.05.15 LONDON 100 CLUB Tickets
02.05.15 CARDIFF THE GLOBE Tickets
16.05.15 NEWCASTLE THE CLUNY Tickets
17.05.15 CHESTER LIVE ROOMS Tickets *new date added

Tickets For All Shows On Sale Now(or released week commencing 21st Sept.).

Mike Peters Presents The Alarm – Strength 30th Anniversary UK Tour

“Give Me Love, Give Me Hope, Give Me Strength” – The opening words from The Alarm’s 1985 UK / US Top 40 hit song ‘Strength’ which gave its name to the band’s career best selling album that will celebrate it’s 30th anniversary in 2015.

Following on from the hugely popular ‘Declaration Tour 2014’, Mike Peters one man band ‘Alarm’ show will present the follow up – ‘Strength’ in a similar contemporary style featuring performance, stories and images to honour the legacy the band’s music left on the decade it helped define and the continuing significance it holds for listeners who can still relate to it’s timeless themes of love, hope and strength.

Packed with powerful yet personal songs like the autobiographical ‘Spirit Of ‘76’ and ‘Walk Forever By My Side’, ‘Strength’ went on to become The Alarm’s best selling album of the 1980’s charting in the Top 40 on both sides of the Atlantic. This is The Alarm record that brings together for the first time, the aforementioned themes of love, hope and strength now so synonymous with Mike Peters and his long running battle against cancer.

30 years on from the original release of ‘Strength’, Mike Peters still has so much to live for, After twenty years living with cancer his songs of love hope and strength have taken on greater meaning and the defiance of his words from the ‘Spirit Of ‘76’ ring truer than ever.I will never give in until the day that I die.
 I’ll get myself some independence, carve out a future with my two bare hands”.

Tickets For All Shows On Sale Now.