Credits:Photo provided by Shaun Finnie
5/1/1991: The Alarm, Paradise Theater, Boston, MA Summary Press Release Set List Band Comments Fan Comments
‘My Town’ [??:??] (Peters/Stevenson/Adams/Grantly), The AlarmLead Vocals:Mike PetersLyrics: Here it comes the reaping of the whirlwind that was promised us And all the streets are littered with the tension and the pressure A culture spreads it’s needles �round like flowers in the garden The only thing that comes for free is the air we need to breathe This is where I come from This is my town When I last [read more]
Day Twenty One: Monday 20th June 2005 Today everyone is heading back to the studio from the four corners of the U.K. Steve and Craig have been home, I’ve been to see U2 at Twickenham on both Saturday and Sunday and James stayed up here in Wales to record some backing tracks for his latest Chelsea album. Not much gets done today just a bass guitar idea by Craig on [read more]
© The Alarm