Credits:Photo Provided By Mark A Perry
‘Rock, The (Long Version)’ [6:07] (The Alarm), The AlarmLead Vocals:Mike PetersLyrics: I’m a man who bites hard on the bullet of silence If only you could feel the pain I hide Know me like I know you Still water running deep in the cavern of my soul So many roads lead nowhere Know me like I know you Like a rock, waves crash over me Standing silent, waiting to be [read more]
‘Homeless Child (demo)’ [??:??] (Dave sharp), The AlarmLead Vocals:Dave sharpLyrics: ? Notes:1986 demo recorded with Nigel Twist, and members of The Long Ryders, Wire Train, and The PretendersMike Peters Notes: ?Dave Sharp Notes: ?Eddie MacDonald Notes: ?Nigel Twist Notes: ?
Description:Mike Peter, Ian Francis (supporting Mike’s legs after the crew spiked his orange juice with vodka)Credits:Photo Provided by Ian Francis
© The Alarm