Credits:Photo Provided by Steve Fulton
Description: Credits:Photo Provided By Mark A Perry
CHART COMMENTARY From by JAMES MASTERTON The Stands break into the Top 30 for the first time at Number 25 following two smaller hits in 2003, but the big story of the lower end of the chart arrives at Number 28. Step forward The Poppyfields who are an old name with a new name so to speak. The group are best known as 80s welsh rockers The Alarm who, [read more]
‘Majority’ [3:25] (MacDonald/Peters), The AlarmLead Vocals:Mike PetersLyrics: I used to put the flowers in the dressing room I’m no longer a child I’m all grown up now I’ve set them up seen them let me down I’ve been in the crowd swirling round and round All as one with those songs of Freedom Saying all the things I could never say And I rode with fate on a wing and [read more]
© The Alarm