Lydia, a longstanding LHS supporter, has set herself an amazing challenge this year.
Read about her challenge in her own words, and if you have never donated to LHS before and feel moved by the dedication of Lydia, please feel free to donate to her challenge and the support of The Love Hope Strength Foundation through her just giving page.
A bit about me….
I have been an Alarm fan ever since I heard the Raw album when i was 13. Kinda lost touch with what was going on until The Alarm came and played in my home town of
Reading. 2 Gatherings, numerous acoustic and Alarm gigs and the odd festival, Snowdon and Avebury rocks followed, during which my life was turned upside down.
The inspiration and dedication of Mike to his charity and the music of The Alarm have given me something to focus on and keep me going and last year I cycled from South
to North Wales in order to raise some money towards the cause. Cycling gives me a freedom that few of us get within our daily lives and whether getting to the top of a hill,
carrying my bike up a mountain or curled up in a tent I love every minute.
When this year’s Rocks events were announced a certain Love Hope Strength Chief Executive jokingly suggested I cycle between the 2 events which are 6 days apart. I
laughed at the time but the idea took hold and I now find myself attempting to climb Snowdon, cycle the 450 ish (depending on the route I take) miles to Ben Nevis and then
climbing (or more probably crawling) up that.
If I make it (and that’s a big if) in time it will only be a small contribution compared to what Mike and the Love Hope Strength team do to raise money and will certainly only
be a small amount of suffering compared to what many people go through when fighting against cancer.
So if you see a figure hunched over a bicycle on the A6 (probably wet through) between August 19th and the 25th… stop and say hello… it will give me an excuse to rest!