3/30/2000: Mike Peters, “SHARP END” – HTV, UK
Press Release
On Thursday 30th March, Mike Peters can be seen on HTV's political programme 'Sharp End'� (11.30pm) Reporter Mark Hannaby approached MPO to ask if Mike would be interested in taking part in the programme. This programme features Mike as a substantial part of the film and concentrates on issues surrounding music in Wales, especially the difficulties facing young people who wish to develop talents in either rock or classical music.Mike has been asked for some of his views on music in Wales. Does he feel things are more or less difficult for young bands now than they were when he was starting out? Does he feel that music is sufficiently valued and encouraged in Wales? What kind of points are young musicians making to him? Does he think a certain amount of music potential in Wales may be going to waste? What can the National Assembly and others do to develop musical talent? Could the success of Welsh rock be used as a platform to revitalise tourism in Wales etc.etc.
Mike was interviewed with fellow young Welsh rock band – X-ELL. X-ELL are a rock pop band made up of 3 brothers (aged 11, 15 and 17) from North Wales who have approached Mike for help and guidance. Watch this space…
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