01/05/10 Edinburgh Citrus Club
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News: New Message From Mike Peters
Hello Everybody, It’s Sunday evening and I want to share my latest news with you. I have just been given the go ahead from my Doctor to go to America next week!!! The principal reason for my journey is to perform with the band at the 2006 South By South West Music Festival in Austin, Texas. We will be playing on Thursday 16th March at Elysium on Red River at [read more]
Blog: Mike Peters ‘Under Attack’ Recording Diary Entry #23
Day Twenty Three: Wednesday 22nd June 2005 Today is taken up with recording drums and bass on yesterdays tracks. While all of this is going on I decide to go out into the garden and have a listen through my tapes and see if I can find some interesting songs. It is a beautiful sunny day. I rewound one of my tapes to the beginning and pressed play, I could [read more]
Photo: The Alarm,1/1/2004
Description: Credits:Photo Provided by Greg Domenick