Blog: Mike Peters ‘Under Attack’ Recording Diary Entry #36

Day Thirty Six: Thursday 7th July 2005

We will all remember where we were when we heard about the bombings on the London Underground. I was with Jules traveling across the M62 on my way to Yorkshire to take part in a Cancer Charity event. It was a horrible journey. Jules spent ages trying to get through to all our friends / acquaintances in London to make sure everyone was safe. The phone lines were down and the mobile networks were so over loaded that it was an almost impossible task. Eventually messages came back from everyone we knew that they were all O.K. although our friend Danny Cohen had been in Tavistock Square when the bus bomb had gone off. He was shocked but unharmed, thankfully. It’s days like this which make you really think about what is happening in our world. As a father, It makes you fear for the safety of your children and loved ones. It is an overwhelming feeling and you feel that like the world will never be the same again.
