Day Thirteen: Wednesday 8 June 2005
The day begins with a playback of last night’s drum takes. Upon reflection Steve decides to give it another go. Steve feels like he has missed something that will help the guitars to flow and be more dynamic. It is only something simple and involves adding another kick to the bass drum part, but it means Steve recording the drums all over again. This takes a while but once it is done the drums are rock solid. Craig immediately adds the bass part. We are all excited by the track and so we decide to record another new song ‘ Without A Fight’. We run through the song in rehearsals, Steve is familiar with it from the first weeks jam session and Craig and James soon start to pick it up. It is sounding good, especially the intro. We keep going upstairs to listen and I am a bit disappointed that the chorus doesn’t seem to take off the way I thought it would. While James is taking a phone call, Craig and I go back to the rehearsal room. I am expressing my doubts about the chorus to Craig when I am reminded that when I wrote the song I had another different chorus with similar chords in mind but again wasn’t sure how it would work. When I play it back to Craig in this form it sounds much better than I thought it would. We experiment with trying to make both choruses work together. We end up with a bit of both choruses going at the same time and all of a sudden it starts to make sense. We get James off the phone and with Steve on the drums we the song comes together. We need an ending and I am again reminded of a guitar chord sequence that I think might fit. We give it a shot and the song is now complete. We record a guide take and Steve moves straight into the live room to record his master drum takes. We all leave Steve to it with Martin recording and they get a final drum track by about 8.00 p.m.