Vinyl Premiere in Wales

The Vinyl Premiere in Wales  is to take place in the Catrin Finch Centre as part of the Ffresh Festival, NEWI, Wrexham on Wednesday 20th February.

Your chance to see Mike Peters in conversation regarding Vinyl the film which includes an exclusive recorded acoustic performance by Mike Peters.

This event will run from 5pm – 6pm: (Everyone has to be inside the space by 5pm: before filming).

The event will be then followed by a screening of Vinyl. Vinyl is  then followed by a Q&A with director Sara Sugarman.

Tickets to this event are available at  £6:00

It will run from 5pm – 6pm: (Everyone has to be inside the space by 5pm: before filming) The event will be then followed by a screening of Vinyl. This then followed by a Q&A with director Sara Sugarman.

This is the link to the ffresh page: