5 song EP
Stand, The
Across The Border
Marching On (single version)
Lie Of The Land
For Freedom
USA EP: cat #:IRS SP70504
USA Cassette: cat #:IRS CS70504
Germany Cassette: cat #:IRS CS70504
10/10/1981: The Alarm, Camberwell Art College, London Summary Press Release Set List Band Comments Fan Comments
Day Forty Six : Wednesday 17th July 2005 Tough day finishing ‘Without A Fight’ mix. George finished a mix with Martin that everyone seemed to like. While we were making a cup of tea, James said he didn’t think it was sounding as good as we had it in The Chapel. I told him to say something to George, but he wouldn’t. In the end I ran back into the [read more]
Description: b/w Majority Tracks Strength (single edit) Majority Notes:
© The Alarm