The Alarm Acoustic – Another Way Forwards Tour with Mike Peters will be coming to California, USA this October with tickets for the following venues on sale now.
“This new album sounds gigantic and like a return to what a big album should sound like. This is the type of album that can fill an arena.” – Rebel Noise
“Listen to The Alarm’s upcoming album, pointedly called Forwards, and you’ll hear a man whose songwriting is as anthemic as ever, and, yes, determinedly forward looking.” – WNYC
“Forty-one years on from ‘Marching On’, The Alarm are living proof that what doesn’t kill you can make you stronger (9 out of 10)” – Classic Rock
Alive with melody and the soaring rock anthems with which Mike Peters and The Alarm have become synonymous, Forwards continues their trademark electro-acoustic sound that has fuelled the band’s remarkable four-decade trajectory.
Order Your Copy of Forwards Here.
This summer also marks the 40th Anniversary since The Alarm first performed in the USA with U2 back in June 1983 and made a first ever ‘anywhere in the world’ television appearance on American Bandstand performing their alternative radio classic The Stand.
“It’s incredible to think that it’s forty years since The Alarm appeared on American Bandstand with Dick Clark”, says Mike Peters. “It only seems like yesterday that we were driving across the Bay Bridge in San Francisco on the way to our first US show with U2, and hearing Bono and The Edge on the radio interrupting the DJ and having him play The Stand instead of New Years Day. After the show a fan came to us with a copy of The Alarm EP which IRS Records had quickly assembled from our UK singles and soon after we were invited onto US TV while still relatively unknown in the UK. The Alarm’s dream came true in America in 1983 and it’s still alive today in 2023. I can’t wait to connect with all the Californian Alarm fans this October”.
Described at the time by Bono as “The second greatest rock and roll band in the world”, The Alarm’s video for The Stand (filmed for early MTV’s Cutting Edge program), will be premiered on wide screen on August 29th when The Alarm EP will be released into the digital music domain along with recently discovered footage of The Alarm’s debut TV Appearance on American Bandstand from August 28th 1983.
“The Alarm appeared on US TV first”, continues Mike. “It wasn’t until later in September ’83 that the band made a similar breakthrough in the UK with Sixty Eight Guns, which was released while we were still on tour in the USA. We actually had to fly back to London to record a TV appearance for the BBC’s Top of The Pops and all of a sudden The Alarm was happening on both sides of the Atlantic. You couldn’t write the script”.
To mark the occasion, The Alarm will be releasing digital versions of all their first four UK singles along with their debut US release The Alarm EP (released for the first time ever in the digital domain), throughout August and September in the build up to the dates in October.
Each release will feature the official single versions, b-sides and original artwork beginning with the release of Unsafe Building, (Tuesday August 15th), Marching On (Tuesday August 22nd), The Stand (Tuesday August 29th) followed by The Alarm EP on September 5th and Sixty Eight Guns on September 12th,
All subsequent and following Alarm singles will all be released upon reaching their own 40th anniversary release dates continuing with Where Were You Hiding When The Storm Broke? on January 9th 2024 which coincides with the build up to the Gathering Cardiff on January 18/19/20/21 2023 which will feature a full performance of 1984’s classic Declaration album.
Gathering tickets available here
Mike Peters 1983 – Photo by Harry Murlowski