b>45 RPM Review: Manchester Online http://www.manchesteronline.co.uk/
The Poppy Fields – 45 RPM (Snapper)
Iain Hepburn
THE debut single from what is claimed to be ‘youthful Chester four-piece punk wannabies The Poppy Fields’ wears its influences like a badly-stitched badge safety-pinned haphazardly to a torn denim jacket.
Brief, bright and decidedly Sex Pistols-flavoured, on closer inspection it seems to be the work of The Alarm going under a pseudonym.
It certainly harks back to the golden era of punk – a barely comprehensible 2 minutes and 45 seconds of rushing guitars and shouting in which you can almost hear them pogoing wildly.
The Alarm (sorry, The Poppy Fields) look set for a return to the charts with this single – let’s hope they don’t suffer from tall poppy syndrome and get scythed down too early.
45 RPM Review: Unbarred http://www.unbarred.co.uk/
45 RPM – The Poppy Fields
February 2004
by Stephen Chapman
Now you explain this. Cheshire, it�s the millionaire�s belt in the UK, if you earn less than a few hundred grand a year people give you change in the street; and charity shops stock Vivienne Westwood.
So how then has Cheshire produced a punk band?
�Arrgghhh I�m so angry, Daddy won�t buy me a BMW convertible, I hate him, I�m going to produce some angry music! Mummy I need a new guitar, drum kit, studio and producer.�
Or possibly.
The Poppy Fields are relatively angry, but they appear to have started their revolution by getting mad at vinyl manufacturers first.
45 RPM is actually very good. Whether you�re the sort of person who bounces around the room to music or not, you sort of feel you should.
Less Sex Pistols than The Clash or The Buzzcocks.
Worth a listen.
45 RPM Review: Dripfed http://www.dripfed.co.uk/
The Poppy Fields
45 RPM
The Poppy Fields are a young punk band from Chester, with an ear for a hook. They’re evidently not afraid to wear their influences on their sleeves – The Sex Pistols, The Clash, and The Buzzcocks amongst others have obviously had a huge effect of these guys’ musical direction.
Less obvious is the PR company’s claim that Rancid and Less Than Jake are also big factors – the sound here is far from contemporary US Buck-Punk, ’45 RPM’ is strictly old-school. Which is ace as far as I’m concerned.
Andy Elliott
45 RPM Review: Indielondon http://www.Indielondon.co.uk /
THE POPPYFIELDS – 45RPM: The Poppyfields is another of those bands which seem to revel in the ability to deliver catchy post-punk rock-outs, in three minutes or less, at the moment. Think The Strokes, or The Ordinary Boys, or, further back, The Clash or The Sex Pistols, and you’re not too far away from what to expect from this sparky debut. It’s fast, furious and suitably geared towards joining the post-punk party, and could well set the band on the road to success.