Credits:Photo Provided By Shaun Finnie
Steve Tannett sees The Alarm at Exceter University, wants to sign them to IRS records. Miles Copeland says it is OK if they are “cheap”.
Day Forty One : Thursday 13th July 2005 The morning is spent getting the best out of the four vocal takes I recorded yesterday. At 1200 we observed the two minute silence honoring the memory of the victims of last weeks bomb attacks. Since the beginning of the session in Henley, I have been constantly pouring over the lyrics on my lap top. I have the lyric to each song [read more]
‘Save Your Crying’ [4:36] (Sharp/Twist), The AlarmLead Vocals:Dave SharpLyrics: You say that there’s no place to run to Is that any kind of place for you to hide? You say no one is telling you the truth anymore Then for God’s sake who’s telling lies? Now you might need something to believe in That�ll help you to see what is right So save it ’til later and later and later [read more]
© The Alarm