Mike Peters – Oxford O2; Sunday, 16 February 2014

In Oxford, Mike delivered an amazing, energetic 3 hour set – with most taken from the Declaration album era of 1983-4.
The show highlights was the punters calling out songs and playing them totally as part of an improvised set list, the stories, some poignant, some just damn funny. Mike’s use of guitar loops, bass drum, sampled drums and distorted acoustic guitar are brilliant and original.
The energy and passion of Mike is astounding, with truly fantastic songs that more than stand up to the test of time, these songs still speak to me as much now as they did 30 years ago.
Mike Peters is cancer defeater, musical genius (I wonder will U2 and Green Day ever pay their due royalties, will Coldplay ever admit their electro-acoustic sound is ‘’borrowed’ from The Alarm?) I can also hear The Alarm’s influence in the current big acts such as Frank Turner too.
Here’s to the next 30 years.
Pete Cole