I am writing today, to thank each and every one of you who have sent personal messages of support since my last message about the relapse of my Leukaemia.
It has been truly humbling to see the amount of love and affection directed towards myself and my family during this testing time.
I have been in hospital for eighteen days and thankfully released from the ward this weekend in order to continue treatment from home with weekly visits to the Day Unit at the North Wales Cancer Treatment Centre at Ysbyty Glan Clwyd Hospital.
I can’t thank the nurses and medical team enough for the way they have brought me back to life and cared for me both day and night.
Jules brought a big box of freshly baked scones (baked by Dottie her Mum), to share with everyone on the ward and there was a tear in my eye as we said farewell.
It was so special to come home and Ziggy (our Golden Retriever), gave me the most incredible welcome and to see and embrace my boys Dylan and Evan made the homecoming complete.
I have a long way to go to get back to the health I could call upon prior to May 2022, but in order to do so, I am receiving a new chemotherapy drug – Venetoclax that has to be administered incrementally to protect my kidneys.
I am currently on a 50mg dosage that will be increased week by week until I can tolerate 400mg, The weekly sessions on the Day Unit will monitor my progress while I receive IV Respirakay treatment and hopefully a move up to the next dosage of Venetoclax. I’m confident I will make it.
I will also be receiving monthly infusions of Immunoglobulin Therapy at Llandudno Hospital and hoping that this ground-breaking treatment will keep me safe from from harm by giving me the antibodies I need to fight whatever infections come my way.
I also want to say thanks to my wife Jules, who has nursed me through the dark months since May when I was first diagnosed with pneumonia.
Little did we realise that that was just the beginning. Underneath the pneumonia all kinds of complications were arising and I became worse and worse with severe night sweats, endless coughing and blackouts. Jules never once wavered on steering me through this turbulent passage of life, and it was her endeavour with the the health care system that finally brought a resolution and direction to the road to recovery I am now navigating once more.
So once again, thank you all for the love hope and strength you have been sending my way. I will keep you all abreast of the situation as things develop each week and hope to see you all at The Gathering on January 27th 2023.
Mike Peters
2nd October 2022