Apparently its only 23 sleeps to The Gathering.. (You gotta love facebook)..
This year will be my 4th… Its become a January institution .. something to look forward to after Crimbo and the new year’s buggered off. Its also the first time we, as The Alarm (apart from our little jaunt to Manila in May), have been in the same room since the fab Vinyl tour in March.
Do you know who I blame for that? The Mission, Big Country, The Cult, Archive, Belinda Carlisle, Spear of Destiny, From The Jam, Lulu & International Swingers that’s who!!!
How dare they keep us apart.
Now we always know the Gathering countdown has begun when we all receive Mikes setlist. This year, the only difference was that by the time I’d finished reading it England had been bowled out….again!!. It’s an absolute whopper..
So we start rehearsing mid January for what should be a great weekend. We look forward to seeing you all in Wales… and raiding the merch stand.
Shameless plug time. If any of you are ‘down south’ at the beginning of Feb, my lovely wife Kerry is doing some theatre shows with her Bond Band.. now called Q the Music.
If you fancy a night of Bond themes the details are below.
See you all in 23 sleeps.. I’m off to start working my way through Mikes setlist.
The Bond Band
2nd Feb 2014
The Beck, Grange Road, Hayes. Middlesex. UB3 2UE
9th Feb 2014
The Radlett – 1 Aldenham Avenue, Radlett, Herts WD7 8HL