“Folklore” intro track left off Eye album but restored for The Alarm 2000.
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The Alarm: LP, ‘Rock Over London’ cat #:10/2/83, country: USA
Review: Raw Review
Back in 1981, The Alarm was being hailed by some as the next Clash, but just as many were tagging the band as phony Clash poseurs. Ten years, and many ups and downs later, they’ve all but shed those labels and become just another intrepid rock’n’roll band from Wales. Which isn’t a bad thing, considering some of the overdubbed new wavish atrocities they released in the mid-to-late 80’s (a fact [read more]
Gig: 5/12/1983, The Alarm, Croc’s, Rayleigh
5/12/1983: The Alarm, Croc’s, Rayleigh Summary Press Release Set List Band Comments Fan Comments