A Personal Message and Seasons Greeings from Mike Peters
Today has been a good day. It’s the first day in many years, that I have been able to live with a perfect blood count.
That was the news given to me on Thursday by Dr. Heartin as I received a Rituximab infusion at the North Wales Cancer Centre. Dr. Heartin was also able to give me a 10 out of 10 for the way I have been able to transition out of my Leukaemia relapse and away from the old chemotherapy regime of Ibrutinib and into the treatment combination of Venetoclax, Rituximab and Immunoglobulin Therapy.
Personally, I think the 10 out of 10 really belongs to Dr. Heartin and his team for creating the pathway for me to access this brand new way of living with Leukaemia.
Life ahead now seems full of promise for me and my family, and although there will always be challenges ahead for my way of life (especially through having to undertake bi-weekly hospital therapies and daily treatments), but right now I’m so glad to be alive and standing on the brink of a return to rock and roll in 2023, with a new album up my sleeve, a 30th Anniversary Gathering in Wales in January and a New York Gathering next June to look forward to!
Knowing all of this has put a spring in my step all day, as yesterday I travelled the length and breadth of North Wales delivering Love Hope Strength Christmas Heroes Chocolate Boxes to staff and patients at all the main Hospitals where Jules and I have been treated in recent years.
It’s been a busy year for Love Hope Strength especially for Jules who shouldered the responsibility for Sahara Rocks in my absence and raised over £100k along the way.
Jules has been by my side throughout, and as we walked the corridors and wards of the local hospitals we were joined by LHS’s Kirsty Thomson and Andy Labrow who are helping share our thanks with the very people who have kept us alive and served the community with love, care, attention and selfless devotion to their chosen professions, often gong way beyond the call of duty when called upon.
Jules and I most certainly, owe each and everyone of the people we met in hospital a debt of gratitude from the deepest part of our hearts. We would not be here without them.
So the season of love and understanding is finally upon us and I want to thank all of you for the love, hope and strength you have been sending to me and my family throughout this most troubling of years!
Let’s hope the new year can shine a brighter life into all our lives and that peace and goodwill can be found where it is needed most.
Sending good health and happiness to you, your families and loved ones.
2023 here we come…..
Mike Peters
24th December 2022