Blog: Mike Peters ‘Under Attack’ Recording Diary Entry #44

Day Forty Four : Monday 16th July 2005

We finish the mix of ‘Cease And Desist’ by midday and then move onto ‘Without A Fight’. Steve and Craig arrive in the afternoon and we play them the mixes of the three finished tracks. Everyone is pleased with the work so far, although Steve feels that his drum kit could sound a bit better on ‘Superchannel’. Both Craig and Steve are pleased with the edit choices we have made with regard to the arrangements. It’s exciting to hear the songs back to back, we are definitely going to have something special on our hands when we eventually get it finished. The rest of the day and night is spent working on ‘Without A Fight’. Both James and play our guitar parts. We feel we are lacking a little piece for the bridge. A counter melody. So I decide to record the lead vocals to see where we are at with the track. I record four takes. I’d say it was probably one of the best vocals I have ever committed to tape. When I came out of the recording booth, I was drenched in sweat. It was great to see the smiles from Martin and George. George was particularly pleased as he now fully understood what the track was aiming for. Everyone was buzzing and enjoying a great rock and roll moment, this is why we all do it. We carried on with guitars until well into the night and we were all looking forward to finishing the track tomorrow.
