The Solidarity Rock & Stroll with Mike and Jules Peters

A message of love, hope and strength from Mike and Jules Peters, and an invitation for all to join a solidarity rock & stroll to support families facing a cancer diagnosis.

“We have received thousands of heartfelt messages of support from our Alarm family, friends we’ve met through the years, and complete strangers since Mike was diagnosed with Lymphoma just weeks ago. Mike has started his treatment plan supported by some of the very best clinicians anyone could hope for. We are so thankful for all the kindness we have been shown: every message has helped build us back up, and every consultation has given us more confidence that we’ve got this.

Not everyone experiences this level of support.

“Though devastated when we received the news that Mike’s leukemia has morphed into lymphoma, and all that means for us, our band and crew and all who are close to us, we know we are incredibly fortunate. The love we have received, the hope we have had from being able to access trial medication and the strength we have from that has made us want to pay it forward to those who need this support. Those who feel desperately alone after a diagnosis and those who don’t have access to state-of-the-art medical advances need our help. Many of you have asked how you can help us as we tackle this new challenge in our lives. Here’s how.

“In just under four weeks, on Saturday 15th June 2024, we are going to lead Love Hope Strength’s first Solidarity Rock & Stroll here in North Wales. We’ll start with a light breakfast at the Red in Dyserth, then we’ve organised buses (thank you Voel coaches!) to take us all to one of our favourite beaches for a 10 mile, relatively flat stroll, which is suitable for most ages and abilities. We’ll end the day with Red Rocks, a special evening of music, with food, fun and friendship, at the Red in Dyserth.

“We’ll be hiking to raise money so our Love Hope Strength partners can support people affected by cancer, and we’ll be hiking to encourage people to walk and talk. Walking and talking has really kept us feeling strong over the past year and most recent few weeks.

“We’d love for you to join us in Dyserth for this celebratory event. If you can’t join us, why don’t you have your own Solidarity Rock & Stroll wherever you are in the world? Maybe you’d prefer a solo Solidarity Rock & Stroll, a 5k with your headphones on whilst you remember a loved one, or perhaps you want to get some friends together, hike and blast some music out when you finish. However you choose to stroll, you will be helping to make people living with cancer feel they are not alone.

“Thanks to the generous support of our incredible friends at the Beauchamp Family Foundation, every $1 and £1 donated to Love Hope Strength through the Solidarity Rock & Stroll will be matched, $ for $, £ for £.

“Thank you again for the well wishes, prayers and insightful words we have received in recent weeks. They all mean so much. We are so lucky to have so many wonderful people by our side.“

Mike and Jules Peters, May 18th, 2024

Click here to organise your own Solidarity Rock & Stroll and hear how your support will help others affected by cancer.

Register for the North Wales hike and get tickets for Red Rocks on 15th June here: