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There’s this old U2 bootleg out there somewhere, and on it is a one-of-a-kind version of Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door from New Year’s Eve 1982. Trading verses on the song were Bono of U2, Stuart Adamson of Big Country and Mike Peters of The Alarm. “‘The new breed,’ as Bono described us,” Peters says with a chuckle. The fascinating thing is that at the time, any of the three could [read more]
Blog: Mike Peters ‘Under Attack’ Recording Diary Entry #9
Day Nine: Friday 3 June 2005 To record a master drum track, Steve plays the drums in the ‘live’ room. He is playing along to the rehearsal recording and is listening (via headphones) to all the vocals and guitars from the guide version. Steve usually cuts three or four full takes and then listens back to them and decides which one is the best. This usually means taking the bast [read more]