Review: More Good Reviews For “Under Attack”

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…A very strong album…

This Is Lancashire

Forget that The Alarm have been around since the early ’80s, this is a cracker.

Sunday Sentinel, Stafford

THE ALARM MMVI- Under Attack
“Since Alarm Singer Mike Peters is currently undergoing chemotherapy for Leukaemia the title of his band’s new album is more than a little personal. After fooling the sheep of the music industry by last year releasing a single, supposedly by a band of 18-year olds, which got into the charts, Peters is still railing, in the manner that pop stars used to, against the inequalitites, deficiencies, and self-serving agendas of the planet’s leaders. Sadly for him, only the converted are likely to hear.”

The Alarm have thrown together what I�m guessing is a cracking return to form for aficionados, and a decent album for everyone else besides.

There are some exquisite guitars; drum and bass work on show along with a singer still able to deliver much more than just a line. �Under Fire�(sic) is a great album from one of Britain�s most under-rated singer-songwriters.
