Credits:Photo Provided By John Nikolai
�Under Attack� really is a credible rock record from a re-energised band, who � to these jaundiced ears � have rarely sounded better. It�s not supposed to happen like this, but it�s difficult not to belatedly embrace The Alarm for sticking this out and pulling off the seemingly impossible by coming back with fire and dignity intact. Respect is due, Mr. Peters. Takes a seasoned pro to bring freshness back [read more]
‘Third Light’ [3:25] (MacDonald/Peters), The AlarmLead Vocals:Eddie MacDonaldLyrics: Your head on my shoulder Two months you�ve been a soldier I feel so sick inside Two months you�d have been alive So no one here knows your surname No one knows from where you came The Red Cross takes you to your grave For which your government kindly pays WHITE CROSS upon the hillside There lies that unknown soldier No one [read more]
‘Permanence In Change’ [4:04] (MacDonald/Peters), The AlarmLead Vocals:Mike PetersLyrics: Daylight breaks on the streets of my life Where no sun shines there bums refusal to die In the shadows of heartache my dreams come alive I’ve been searching for love to give meaning to life Oh no, you make me feel real Oh no, I’ve got you, you’ve got me And that’s all we need A reason to believe Tonight [read more]
© The Alarm