While Dave and Nigel stayed at Ezee Hire, Eddie and Mike at The Waterfront in London. They recorded many demos using a drum machine and synthesizer, plus guitars. From thesee demos the future “Eye” songs .’Newtown Jericho’, “Only Love Can Set Me Free”, and the Raw song “Lead Me Through The Darkness”. Eddie Macdonald has described this time his “happiest time in The Alarm’.
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Photo: The Alarm,4/10/1991
Description: Credits:Photo Provided by Pete Cole

Review: CARDIFF ICE RINK 13 February 1988
Only minutes before the doors opened the local council were hesitating whether or not to let the concert go ahead. Apparently, permission had not been given by the correct authorities when arrangements were being made. Luckily the OK was given which was a wise decision because thousands of disappointed and angry Alarm fans roaming around Cardiff could have been dangerous. For a venue Cardiff Ice Rink proved spacious and atmospheric. [read more]

‘Spirit Of 76 (single edit)’ [4:40] (MacDonald/Peters), The Alarm
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