9/12/1984: The Alarm, New York radio interview
Press Release
Set List
Band Comments
Fan Comments
2/4/1990: The Alarm, St David’s Hall, Cardiff Summary No Frontiers Tour (to support Change album)Press Release Set List Band Comments Fan Comments
‘Contientious Objector’ [??:??] (Mike Peters), The AlarmLead Vocals:Mike PetersLyrics: ? Notes: ?Mike Peters Notes: ?Dave Sharp Notes: ?Eddie MacDonald Notes: ?Nigel Twist Notes: ?
Day One: Monday 23 May 2005 A new album, a new place, a new situation, a new label. As always when starting a new album, all the hopes and fears are there in the pit of your stomach. I have acquired a Chapel in North Wales and have decided to record the new ‘Alarm’ album within it’s walls. Day one is not really day one but this is where it [read more]
© The Alarm