7/7/1995: Mike Peters, Preston The Adelphi
Press Release
Set List
Band Comments
Fan Comments
Day Fifteen: Friday 10 June 2005 James Stevenson comes in to record his guitars on ‘Without A Fight’. We are starting to notice that we have a few tuning issues. This is only to be expected with so many guitars and especially with a lot of vintage instruments. This is the most time consuming part of recording. James has to constantly tune his guitars before every take / drop in. [read more]
N.E.W.I., Wrexham 23/24 August, 2003 http://www.shakenstir.co.uk/feature.php?a=25 A Road Less Travelled� It’s unusual, and in my experience unique, for an artist to expose himself and his songs to weekend-long scrutiny by an audience. But this is precisely what happened here in Wrexham last weekend. Mike Peters (The Alarm) performed 132 of his own compositions during no less than eight separate acoustic sessions. Between each performance there were Alarm video shows, and [read more]
5/30/2000: Mike Peters, Waterfront Hall, Belfast Summary Press Release MPO can confirm rumours that Mike Peters & the New Electric Band will be touring in May as Special Guest to Big Country on the “Final Fling Tour” (Big Country’s Farewell tour before splitting up). Mike and the boys are very much looking forward to returning to the UK in May. Mike will be playing with a full electric line up [read more]
© The Alarm