5/14/1985: The Alarm, Goldiggers, Chippenham
Press Release
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Fan Comments
Let�s get this out of the way first. �Superchannel� rocks. It rocks hard. It�s a sing-a-long, balls-out scorcher. It�s catchy enough to be a hit single, yet weighty enough to have layers of meaning tucked just under the surface. It blasts off, out of the speakers, and never turns back. The meaty bass, substantial guitar riffs, relentless drumming, and in-your-face vocals all combine to create a sound that is both [read more]
‘Nadolig Llawen’ [3:39] (John Lennon/Yoko Ono Translation unknown), The AlarmLead Vocals:Mike PetersLyrics: Wel dyma’r Nadolig Ni wyddom be’ ddaw Un flwyddyn yn darfod Un newydd sydd wrth law; Ie dyma’r Nadolig Llawn cysur a gw�n I’r rhai agos ac annwyl, I’r ifanc a’r hen; Wel dyma’r Nadolig I’r gwan ac i’r cry’, I’r cefnog a’r tlodion Mae’r noson mor ddu, I chi ‘Dolig Llawen A thrwy’r holl flwyddyn gron Hapusrwydd [read more]
(taken from http://www.philly.com/mld/philly/entertainment/music/) Even if it never sells a million copies, “45 RPM,” the debut single from a band called the Poppyfields, deserves a place in the history books – as a caustic commentary on the youth-worshiping state of current rock-and-roll. The song, which last week reached No. 28 on a U.K. singles chart, was written and sung by Mike Peters, guitarist and lead singer of veteran Welsh rockers the [read more]
© The Alarm