Gig: 12/8/1999, Mike Peters, Newcastle City Hall

12/8/1999: Mike Peters, Newcastle City Hall

Support to Big Country.
Featuring Eddie Macdonald on acoustic guitar
Press Release
Eddie MacDonald from the Alarm and Mike Peters support Big Country with a full electric band!Set List
ground zero
rescue me
spirit of 76
68 guns
blaze of glory
Band Comments

Fan Comments
Just came back from Newcastle � and straight into work
for an afternoon � arghhh must be mad.
Really enjoyed Cardiff as you probably guessed. In
the afternoon, when the recording started for New
Wales with the choir � I have to admit a few of us
girlies where moved to tears � it was that emotional.
Then decided at the last moment to hitch a lift with
Stuart (thanks again for the chance to go) and went to
see Big Country last night at Newcastle. I know
Ipswich to Newcastle � a short journey;-}
Sorry to say that I felt MP was easily the best band
on stage � both sound, musical and for obviously
audience participation. With two bass players � Eddie,
Craig, and joined by Steve G and James S.
Don�t flame me cos I do like Big Country but it is
being unbiased that unfortunately Mike (with his rent
� a � mob;-} just won the day. Enjoyed it so much
that I can�t remember the set list completely off hand
but is went Regeneration, 68 Guns, Spirit of 76,
Rescue Me, Breathe, Rise � blast I�ve lost the plot
and can�t remember anymore � sorry gang too little

It was a great show and Mike and the band blew Big Country
off the stage(remember he is a little biased to say the least) Mark chatted
with someone at the venue he was friends with and was told that around 800
people had turned out to see the gig, Mark estimated that 500+ came early
enough to catch Mike playing support however more than a few left directly
after Mike played. The venue holds around 2500 so no too bad a turnout. The
set list as far as he can remember and I could make out was in no particular
Ground Zero
Rescue Me
Sprit of 76'
68 Guns
Blaze of Glory
Mike and the bands set went down really well and rapturous applause was the
order of the day however Mark said that when he went back into the
auditorium during Big Country's set the same could not be said but remember
like I said he is a little biased.
(Mark slater via Rosemary )

: seated venue, but the front of the stage area was taken over by
30 or 40 pogoing MP/ALaRM fans for the duration as mike and the boys kicked
off BC's DTD tour with great gusto and enthusiasism, and load cheers
reverbereated around the venue from the BC fans.