12/15/1984: The Alarm, Shiboya Public Hall in Tokyo, Japan
Press Release
Set List
Band Comments
Fan Comments
(taken from http://www.philly.com/mld/philly/entertainment/music/) Even if it never sells a million copies, “45 RPM,” the debut single from a band called the Poppyfields, deserves a place in the history books – as a caustic commentary on the youth-worshiping state of current rock-and-roll. The song, which last week reached No. 28 on a U.K. singles chart, was written and sung by Mike Peters, guitarist and lead singer of veteran Welsh rockers the [read more]
‘Mercenary Skank (itpf bond)’ [??:??] (Mike Peters), The AlarmLead Vocals:Mike PetersLyrics: Hit the town, hit the town We’re going out, we’re going to hit the town The light are bright, the lights are bright We’re going out all the lights are bright We’re going to have some fun We’re going to have some fun Northern soul boys and skinhead girls Suedeheads dancing on the fighting floor Purple hearts, dexy’s, blues [read more]
I think the people at King Biscuit would like this record to be cited as "King Biscuit: The Alarm", as if King Biscuit is such an enduring emblem of musical quality that it becomes the artist of these recordings, as if thinking people the world over are endeavoring to keep their King Biscuit collections complete, caring little whether the next installment features the Waitresses or Uriah Heap, just thrilled to [read more]
© The Alarm