Gig: 10/28/2000, Mike Peters/Alarm 2000, Royal Grove Lincoln, NE

10/28/2000: Mike Peters/Alarm 2000, Royal Grove Lincoln, NE


Press Release
Mike Peters: Lead vocals, guitar
Guitar: James Stevenson(Chelsea,Generation-X, Gene Loves Jezebel)
Bass: Richard Llewellyn (Jess,Cartoon)
Drums: Steve Grantly: (Stiff Little Fingfers)Set List

Band Comments

Fan Comments
Mike and the band finally came out a little before 11:30. There were about
100 people in the club while the opening bands were playing (apparently they
were pretty popular local bands) and that dwindled to about 50 by the time
Mike and the guys took the stage. They played a shorter set (the skipped
Blaze of Glory, One Step Closer to Home, and there were only 3 dedications
compared to the 10 or so on Friday). But it was still fantastic. The
energy that Mike plays with is incredible.
(Dennis Bronstein)