10/13/1983: The Alarm, Spider’s, Hull
Press Release
Set List
Band Comments
Fan Comments
EDINBURGH – Liquid Room
‘Tan’ [4:34] (Yr Alarm), The AlarmLead Vocals:Mike PetersLyrics: Tyrd i orwedd yn fy mreichiau Rho i mi loches dan dy hud: Drachtiais i o�r dyfroedd tanllyd O�r rhyddid sydd yn llenwi�r byd Daw lleuad newydd o�r tywyllwch Duw, �dwi angen fy iachau Rho i mi�r moddion sy�n lleddfu Rho i mi�r gair Rho i mi�r gair sy�n fy rhyddhau T�n Yn cerdded hyd fy nghnawd T�n Well I ti adael [read more]
Day Eighteen: Wednesday 15 June 2005 James wants to have another go at ‘Cease And Desist’. Overnight he has come up with an idea for a ‘sound’ for the intro. This involves using an MXR Phase 90 pedal with a Gibson Les Paul. It sounds really good and now we have the dilemma of two really good introductions for the song. Most of the day is spent going over the [read more]
© The Alarm