The Gathering 2018 to be held on February 2nd / 3rd / 4th February at Venue Cymru, Llandudno, North Wales, has now officially SOLD OUT.
Thanks to all who are making the journey to Wales to celebrate the music of Mike Peters and The Alarm and for another show of incredible support.
As always, G2018 promises to deliver one of the best music weekends ever, with the band already tuned up and ready to go. Dave Sharp and Ian McNabb are primed for their special guest appearances. The Alarm mastermind quiz’ poised to challenge the best Alarm minds from around the world. The Love Hope Strength lounge already set in anticipation of a pre-event GaTHURing with Smiley and James Stevenson. The Sunday walk-a-thon to the end of the pier and back, is mapped out and anticipating good weather. All that’s missing is you….. so travel safe and we all look forward to seeing you on Feb 2nd in Llandudno, Wales, the home of The Gathering 2018.
Bring it on…….