Blog: Mike Peters ‘Under Attack’ Recording Diary Entry #54

Day Fifty Four : Thursday 28th July 2005

George and Martin have run the vocal comp through to the morning. We are all getting tired now and everything is taking longer. George wants to mix the track during the afternoon. His initial thought that it would be an easy mix is not how it turned out. George and Martin got into the mix big time and even had Steve re-record a tom-tom drum part to the track. As this is the driving force of the songs rhythm it needs to be crystal clear. The original tom-tom recording had a little too much overspill on it so we decided to re-cut it so that George could push it in the mix without affecting the volume of all the other drum components. Steve played it great right from the start and it turned out really well. Sometimes jobs like this can be more difficult than you can imagine. The mix of ‘Be Still’ ran really late into the night but it was sounding great by the time we called it a night.
