8/18/2002: Dave Sharp, The Musician, Leicester
Press Release
Dave is promising something special for these shows, and there are rumours that he is planning a 2 hour show which he says will “blow you away”. The set list will span all the way from Hard Travelin� to the very newest material, along with selected traditional songs. Dave is working on new arrangements of some songs, and these may even include the occasional classic from Dave�s days with The Alarm.
Dave has just entered the studio to record a brand new acoustic solo CD to accompany the tour. “Summer Of Love” the CD will be available at the shows. There will also be a brand new range of Dave Sharp merchandise available at the shows featuring artwork especially commissioned for the tour.
Dave has also made an important announcement regarding “bootlegging” of shows. Please see the news article
News of Dave’s Summer UK Tour”
To be kept informed of the latest information regarding the Summer Of Love tour & merchandise, please send a blank e-mail to davesharpnews-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
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